Blog Designed by Pediredla Kamal Kumar Andhra Entertainer: 10 Articles That Changed My Life



10 Articles That Changed My Life

It’s easy to find a well written article. It’s not always easy to find a well written article with genuine value.
That’s because the Internet has nearly limitless value — you can use it to look up the correct spelling of a word, or to translate text between languages, or even figure out “what’s the name of that guy from that movie who was in that other movie?”
You can also use the Internet to go shopping while at home, or do job searching while at work, or publish blog entries while on vacation.
Taking it to the next level, you can use the Internet to interact with people, make new friends around the world, or research your next dating partner.
What I’ve discovered to be most surprising, though, is that the Internet contains life-altering advice.
Regardless of this, most people don’t think to seek it out. They regularly use the Internet as a convenient source of information, but fail to recognize its potential as an instrument for self-improvement.
Online articles that promote life-altering advice are like hidden gems of the Internet — they’re accessible, but they’re difficult to find because of the sheer abundance of everything else that’s accessible.

For this reason, I’ve compiled the following list of articles containing value so profound that they literally changed my life.
I therefore extend my gratitude to the authors of these great articles:
#1 – Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
For teaching me to stop attributing value to unimportant things, and start trusting my instincts. Before reading Jobs’ speech, I was working a job I hated because it was really the only thing I ever tried. It was what I knew. Jobs says “You’ve got to find what you love.” His article helped me realize that I was wasting my life living someone else’s dream. If I settled for someone else’s dream, I’d grow old and die without ever seeking my own.
#2 – Violent Acres’ Most People Are Depressed For a Very Good Reason
For teaching me that being depressed had nothing to do with the serotonin in my brain — the reason I felt depressed was because my life sucked. I was making choices just to appease the opinions of people around me, when I should have been making choices to appease myself. This article helped me realize that medication was not the solution to my joyless lifestyle — the true remedy was to start making my own choices to live a more fulfilling life.
#3 – Steve Pavlina’s Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You
For teaching me that “to abandon a comfortable lifestyle that isn’t deeply fulfilling is to abandon nothing.” Steve’s article helped me understand I was defending a comfortable career without good reason. At the start of each workday, I was reluctant to get out of bed. At the end of each workday, the amount of satisfaction I received from the work I was doing was nil. Steve caused me to ask myself: Why should I stay loyal to such a meaningless job?
#4 – Brian Kim’s How to Find What You Love to Do
For emphasizing the importance of self-assessment. Brian made me take a good hard look at myself and figure out what it is that makes me happiest. What’s more, his article discusses how uncertainty and fear are the most common obstacles preventing you from doing what you love to do. His solution involves self-analysis: identify your skills and interests, then use your strengths to live your passion. In Brian’s words, “conquer indecision and ACT, and you will most definitely conquer all fear.”
#5 – Fred Gratzon’s Top 10 Signs You’re Made to be an Entrepreneur
For helping me understand that the reason I’m reluctant to get a job is because I’d rather be the boss, president, or sole proprietor of my own creation. Thanks to Fred’s article, I was able to see the entrepreneur in me: I’m always looking for a way for things to be simplified, made more efficient, or automated by a computer. There’s a reason I feel this way — and it’s for the same reason that I don’t want to have to answer to someone else.
#6 – Steve Pavlina’s 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job
For teaching me that working for other people is stupid. Self-employment using passive income is the best way to earn money without trading away life’s freedoms. In other words, Steve helped me understand it’s possible to be “Happily Jobless.”
#7 – Darren Rowse’s 18 Lessons I’ve Learned About Blogging
For teaching me to use the power of exponential growth. Like any other long-term investment, creating a successful blog takes time. Along the way, you’re bound to have ups and downs, and people will undoubtedly tell you that you suck. Darren says that so long as you be yourself, work hard, and are willing to experiment, your efforts will be rewarded.
#8 – Caro Clarke’s Are You a Writer?
For helping me realize my dream of becoming a writer. Although many people have tried to tell me that I’m a writer at heart, I always disregarded their comments under the belief that it wasn’t true. After reading Caro’s article, I recognized the writer in me: I get my inspiration from the world around me, and write every day because I enjoy it. When I’m not writing, I’m often thinking about writing. The signs are clear — I am a writer.
#9 – Danielle Gibbings’ Need a Reboot?
For being the very first source of encouragement from a complete stranger. Danielle discovered my blog during its infancy, and was inspired by the movement I was trying to create. She wrote about LifeReboot on her own blog to help lead more readers to my site. She read my site often and left encouraging comments. She sent me my very first donation. Danielle’s supportive attitude helped me more than she’ll ever know. She helped me build confidence in my decision to pursue writing, and caused me to realize how I was finally on the right track.
#10 – My own 10 Reasons It Doesn’t Pay To Be “The Computer Guy”
For demonstrating that people enjoy the things that I write. After publishing my “Computer Guy” article, its popularity skyrocketed overnight. Until then, I had never written anything that gained such attention. To me, the immediate reaction I received from this single article was proof that I had a talent for writing.
Again, I’d like to extend my thanks to the authors. Thanks for sharing your advice, inspiration, and encouragement.
Chances are, some of these articles won’t affect you the same way they affected me. I believe that’s to be expected, since we’re all different people.
The fascinating thing is, everyone has their own “gems of the Internet” just waiting to be discovered.
Think about it. Life-altering advice exists online. Advice to help you get out of debt, leave a dead-end relationship, or whatever type of self-improvement you can possibly imagine. All you need to do is consciously seek it out.
You’ll know once you’ve discovered it. The advice will resonate with you, inspire you, and maybe even change your life

1 comments to "10 Articles That Changed My Life"

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