
CBSE Class 09 syllabus, CBSE sample papers, CBSE
solved Test Papers, chapter-wise important questions, notes and
assignments. Download CBSE sample papers and CBSE syllabus for class 09
issued by CBSE official website, and
prepared by the faculty members and users of
CBSE class IX syllabus for 2013-14 for English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, French, Home Science, Foundation of Information Technology, Hindustani Music, Carnatic Music and painting has been added to the download section of This latest syllabus as issued by Central Board of Secondary Education is available for FREE download at both CBSE official website and
As per the new guidelines issued by CBSE from 2013-4, there will be some value based questions in each term and one 7 mark question in each term will be open text based on case studies that will be provided in advance to the students. The main purpose of adding the open text question is to check the analytic ability and higher order thinking skills in students.
To download the syllabus, select your class from left menu bar and click on the desired subject in

Download free PSA Sample Papers for CBSE class 9 from These sample papers include PSA Sample Papers on Quantitative Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning and Language Conventions will greatly help the students to understand arithmetic problems, use logic in form of relationships, analogies and directions. All these items would develop creative thinking, decision making, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. It would assess student’s ability to process, interpret and use information. At the same time it would increase the curiosity of students and help in their intellectual growth. These are designed and developed by Directorate of Education, New Delhi.
hat is PSA
It is a widely acknowledged fact that research and analytical skills, ability to apply basic concepts of different subjects, solve application based problems in Mathematics and Science, comprehend and analyse written text and effective communication are the skills which ensure success in Higher Studies and Professional areas.These dimensions of 21st Century life skills will greatly assist learners in acquiring higher order thinking skills such as Problem Solving and Decision Making.
It is in this connection that the Board is planning to initiate a `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) for students of Classes IX from the second term of this session 2012-13.
The features of the ‘Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) will be as follows: -
1. It will be compulsory for all students of Classes IX and carry 90 marks. There will be 60 items of MCQ type.
2. It will assess the following areas:-
- Quantitative Reasoning (found in mathematics, science and technology)
- Qualitative Reasoning (found in humanities, arts and social sciences)
- Language Conventions
There is no specific syllabus for Problem Solving
Assessment (CBSE-PSA). The exam will be conducted in January-February
2013. The same will be extended to class 10 in next session.
06 September, 2013
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