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Articles on Love

  • Love Articles
  • Are You Compatible With your Partner? - by Denise Wade - Relationship Expert All of us emerge from childhood with an inborn temperament and dominating personality traits. Believe it or not, most personality characteristics are encoded in your DNA. It is these inborn tendencies that largely determine the ways in which you adapt to your childhood environment, family ...
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  • 5 Tips to Help You Find Love After a Breakup - by Bellaisa Filippis After a breakup it can be hard to even think about love for a while. In fact, love may be something that seems impossible when your heart is broken and aching. But one day you will want to find love again. When you are ready to find love again use the following tips to your advantage. They will ...
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  • THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF THE HEART - The Challenge for the 21st Century - by Swami Dhyan Giten - From fear to love, from darkness to light and from separation to wholeness The challenge for the 21st century is The Silent Revolution of the Heart. It is not a revolution within an organization or a land in the traditional sense with violence, madness and blood shed. It is a revolution in ...
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  • Use Photo Cards to Make Sure Your Message Really Hits the Spot - by Shane Martin When you opt to send a greeting card to somebody, you’re explicitly acknowledging the fact that a physical card carries more meaning than an electronic greeting or message. This is because of the time you’ve obviously spent choosing the card, and the trouble you’ve taken to make sure it exactly ...
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  • Is it Possible to Be Friends After a Breakup - by felicia filmore It's not uncommon for individuals to consider becoming friends after breakup with their partner. While being friends is completely possible for ex-couples, it isn't something that can be easily done. It's possible that being friends is not something possible between the two due to ...
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  • Is Your Ex-Girlfriend Is Dating Again? Don’t Make This Mistake If You Want Her Back! - by feclicia filmore It’s not easy to move on from a painful breakup… especially if your ex-girlfriend is dating again. Even if you have already accepted the breakup, it can be devastating to find out that your ex-girlfriend is dating someone else. If you want to get her back, make sure you apply these things down ...
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  • SOMETiMES YOU JUST HAVE TO ACT LIKE A CHILD - PLAY IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT - by Jennifer Elizabeth Masters Have you ever taken the time to watch a child? Children are spontaneous. They move around quickly, running from place to place. They take joy in just being alive. We take life far too seriously. We all need to have more fun and play in our lives. Life is a blast it is time to experience it ...
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  • FINDING LOVE - by Jennifer Elizabeth Masters 8 COMMON DATING MISTAKES MOST PEOPLE MAKE ON THE INTERNET Finding love We all want to be loved. It is a very profound human need. But how do we get it? Where do we look for it? Why don't we find it? ...
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  • 8 Most Common Dating Mistakes People Make on The Internet - by Jennifer Elizabeth Masters 8 COMMON DATING MISTAKES MOST PEOPLE MAKE ON THE INTERNET Finding love We all want to be loved. It is a very profound human need. But how do we get it? Where do we look for it? Why don't we find it? ...
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  • Keeping Long Distance Love Affair - The Perfect Steps in Order to Keep Up With The Passion for One Another Despite of the Distance - by Belle Smith It is difficult to be in a long distance love affair, however it is possible. Read these tips now that will help you as well as your loved one deal with a long distance relationship. A relationship in itself is never easy to maintain, how much more if it is a long distance kind of ...
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  • Curing A Broken Heart After having a Break-up - 4 Ways to Healing After a Unpleasant Separation - by Belle Smith Dealing a really painful separation isn't easy. Listed here are tips to help you recover quickly. Falling in love is probably the most beautiful thing in this world, and in fact, most people see it as the most wonderful experience in their lifetime. But then again, the pain of breaking up is ...
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  • Don’t Let Your Expectations about Your Partner & Relationship Harm You Just Before the Holidays! - by Doron Gil, Ph.D. EXPECTATIONS ABOUT PARTNERS AND RELATIONSHIPS We all have expectations about partners and relationships, and this is natural. However, if you hold on to unrealistic expectations hoping that they will be fulfilled, you are likely to harm your relationships. Becoming aware of your expectations ...
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  • Are You Okay With Where You Are? - by Carolin Hauser Why is it important to your own growth and peace of mind that you are ok with where you are? Being OK with where you are accomplishes two things. First of all, it gives you a clear picture of where you are. Second, it gives you piece of mind, and an honest foundation from which you can ...
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  • Unemployment, You, and Your Relationship - Understanding the Impact of Unemployment on Love, Intimacy, and Commitment - by Seria Chatters, LMHC So you are unemployed. You are unemployed, your spouse or significant other is employed, or you are reading this in an attempt to help someone who is. It should not be a surprise that unemployment impact relationships. However, it may be a difficult task to talk to someone who is unemployed ...
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  • Does Your Marriage Therapist Pass This Test? - by Susan Heitler, Ph.D. How do you assess whether your marriage therapy is just taking up time and money or genuinely helping you and your spouse? Most folks in marriage therapy are uncertain as to what to use as a measuring stick. Whether or not the therapist is “a nice person” is not sufficient. Would you take ...
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  • The Law of Self-Love - by Marcia Batten Biblically, a commandment is a law, statute, precept or principle that governs a kingdom and brings order so that control is maintained. Where there are no laws or rules, chaos is the order of the day. When God set the world in motion He spoke the Word and set laws in place to control and guide ...
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  • Understanding Love - by Sarah Chambers D.C.H.P. Our instinctual self calls us to connect and celebrate our intimate relationship on a much deeper level by letting go of outdated conditioned inhibitions. The act of letting go allows us to experience each other with profundity, conscious awareness and honesty. The time has come for us to ...
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  • The Big Two Secrets To Get Your Ex Now - by Michael In this article, I share with you two of the greatest secrets to help you get your ex back. If you have recently gone through a breakup, then you have to pay attention. These two methods are the most books advise relationships. Even if it’s been several months since your ex boyfriend or ...
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  • Healing The World - by Pastor Tele Opakunle I have many times wondered about the wisdom that lies in many of our adages. One of such is “a house that is divided against itself cannot stand” We are the house and we are the world. The universe belongs to us, it can only be sustained through harmony. Without love there is no harmony, both ...
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  • Effective Methods Regarding How To Return Your Guy - by Michael Perhaps you have lately separate with someone and you need to discover ways to get back your guy? Discussing your existence with someone is amongst the memorable occasions of the existence. For this reason why whenever a relationship stops working, you’re in distress and also you seem like ...
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  • Expect The Holiday Season – Ways To Get Your Girlfriend In Time For Christmas - by Michael The loneliest season to breakup together with your girl is about Christmas. All over the place you appear you are encircled by happy couples roller skating, kissing underneath the mistletoe, and hugging together for warmth. The greater you’re faced with one of these happy couples the greater ...
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  • How to Quickly Recover My ex-girlfriend - by Michael At this time you feel confused and emotionally devastated, because you have your girlfriend next to you. It can be many reasons that are not together, but basically, you know the real reason. You have two choices: either stay away and go through the pain of separation or dealing with the real ...
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  • How you can Win Your Ex Back - The Easy Steps to Win Your Ex Back - by Michael Prepared to learn to win your ex back following a painful breakup? If you are dealing with a poor breakup, you are able to take consolation within this inescapable fact -- you're not alone. Although your breakup is unquestionably unique, every single day 1000's of couples around the globe ...
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  • How you can Win Your Ex Back Using Dirty Mental Methods - by Michael If you are reading through this at this time, you are most likely suffering over losing a loved one greatly. I understand you've lost your companion and that i realize that the worst discomfort imaginable is getting the individual that you simply love probably the most let you know they do not ...
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  • Return With My Ex - Effective Intend to Win Back Your Ex Fast - by Michael If you are wondering how on the planet can one return with my ex once they wont return my calls, return my messages or worse, have explained they need nothing related to me? If that's the case, you have to look at this article cautiously. Fortunately most breakdowns in relationships are ...
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  • Ways To Get an Ex Back - Crucial Steps to consider to Win Your Ex Back - by Michael Attempting to learn to have an ex back without destroying your last opportunity to reunite by pushing your boyfriend or girlfriend away forever? Then look at this article carefully. Getting an ex back requires greater than a couple of apologises, empty promises that things can change and ...
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  • How you can Win Your Ex Back - Step-by-step - by Michael Nothing in existence is guaranteed - particularly when it involves associations and understanding how to win your ex back. If you are reading through this, my heart is out for you because I've experienced, first-hands, the discomfort you are dealing with. Splitting up with someone isn't good ...
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  • 5 Methods to Win Your Ex Back - by Michael Associations are fragile bonds that must definitely be constantly nurtured and respected to be able to flourish. Each individual involved with rapport accounts for supplying value towards the partner for any natural good balance to be produced. It's if this balance is damaged that problems begin ...
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  • Ways to get My Ex Back - The Wise Method to Win Back Your Ex - by Michael Are you currently wondering ways to get my ex back but all you are able feel is discomfort and heart break? Have your attempted my way through your energy to build your ex reconsider their decision to but her or she does not even want to speak to you? Fortunately just about all associations ...
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  • How you can Win Your Ex Back - The Easy Guide - by Michael Nearly every adult has experienced being dumped sometime throughout their existence, and more often than not they simply learn to move ahead. But let's say you are not just one of individuals people who loves to take part in the victim? You would like your boyfriend or girlfriend back and you ...
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  • How Do You Get a Guy Back After a Break Up? Simple Method to Win Him Back! - by Charles Wealth Are you asking how do you get a guy back after a break up? A lot of women have asked this same question countless times and a number of them are still looking for the answer. You must understand that to find the answer, you need to take a look at your individual state of affairs. This article ...
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  • Romantic Relationship Advice (Part 2) - by Bob Lancer While standard romantic relationship advice recommends things like giving flowers and candy, wearing special perfume or even feathers, dancing on a date, etc. - those represent only extra efforts, like new icing on an old cake. But the cake itself may be spoiled! What spoils a marriage are ...
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  • Romantic Relationship Advice (Part 3): 5 Insights To Set Your Heart Free - by Bob Lancer Romantic Relationship Advice Insight 1: The Power of The Small We release the spark of romance and fuel it into passion through the smallest advances. Based on this insight, your romantic relationship advice is to give your mate an admiring glance, a soft kiss that comes as a surprise, a ...
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  • Love And Relationships - by Bob Lancer Love and relationships go together, or at least they need to. Love must flow freely to preserve the healthy nature of any connection shared by two or more human beings. Why? Because loving relationships are healthy and healing. Allowing the flow of your love in relationships permits a healthy ...
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  • The Relationship Law of Growth - by Bob Lancer Going through overwhelming challenges gives us the opportunity to make a leap of growth: as we improve our handling of those challenges, we fulfill our greater purpose and potential at the deepest levels. So‚ when your relationship feels the most trying see it as our “graduation” into your ...
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  • Why Are Older Women Dating Younger Men? - by Terry Clark There are a lot of unwritten rules about what's socially acceptable and what isn't. One of those rules dictates how close in age a dating couple should be, and gender also has a part in that rule. Most people don't bat an eyelid if an older man dates someone much younger, but why are older women ...
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  • How Can A Senior Meet A New Love - by Terry Clark Statistics show that the population is getting older and older. However, people aren't aging the way they used to. It wasn't all that long ago that people would retire and make their way to the old folk's home; in other words, they acted old. Today's seniors are healthier and more active than ...
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  • Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Just Wants To Be Friends - A Must Read! - by Charles Wealth So your ex boyfriend broke up with you and now he says he just wanted to be friends. At the moment, you might be wondering why he said he just wanted to be friends. Was he serious about this statement? Did he actually say this to you? If that is the case, it’s really a negative sign and you have ...
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  • Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back - A Must Read! - by Charles Wealth Can I get my ex girlfriend back? Okay, so you broke with your girlfriend and now you are devastated because you didn’t expect it. When a break up occurs suddenly, it normally makes one feel hurt or betrayed. Most times, the feeling of hurt can cause you to act in a way that might do more harm ...
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  • Single For the Holidays? - 8 Ways to EnJOY it! - by Lisa Caroselli, Certified Love Attraction™ Coach If you are single right now, you may be feeling it more than ever around this time of the year. Holidays focus on partnership, family gatherings, and holiday parties. Even the most self-assured single can feel a little bit blue or isolated. The best attractant for joy is to find the joy ...
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  • Love and Respect in Relationships - by Joan M Chamberlain, M.S. I’m always a little bit surprised when people who live together don’t respect each other enough to (1) listen, really, listen, (2) try to understand their partner and then, (3) work to compromise. It actually seems illogical. If you buy the idea that we’re each unique human beings, then it ...
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  • Photo Books Are the Finest Way to keep Your Most Precious Photographs - by Shane Martin In years gone by, producing a photo book as a permanent record of your most treasured or special images was something which was the preserve of a select few; people such as professional photographers, artists and those with access to printing and binding equipment. Thanks to the flexibility ...
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  • Healing A Broken Heart - by Felecia Townsend Healing a broken heart is paramount for those living in broken relationships. People settle in bad relationships and are unwilling to move forward to a place of peace and healing for various reasons. There are as many reasons why your current or past relationship failed as there are people. ...
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  • Is Your Ex-Girlfriend Is Dating Again? Don’t Make This Mistake If You Want Her Back! - by Mika Maddela It’s not easy to move on from a painful breakup… especially if your ex-girlfriend is dating again. Even if you have already accepted the breakup, it can be devastating to find out that your ex-girlfriend is dating someone else. If you want to get her back, make sure you apply these things down ...
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  • Love as a business model - by Barbara Edie Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and we’re reminded (everywhere!) to tell the ones we love how much they mean to us. But how about injecting some love into your job, career or business? When you combine a passion for what you do and with a little love for those you work with or those you ...
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  • 5 romantic places worth taking your partner in Spain - by Vincent Mori Spain the country of affection is the absolute place to take your loved one and enjoy some of the loveliest and romantic places that the world has to attempt. There are hundreds of places that I could acclaimed that would certainly capture the heart of the one you love without a confusion, but ...
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  • Relationship Advice - How to Get Back Your Ex! - by Charles Wealth If you are in search for relationship advice, you can find out how to survive a break up. At times, things get out of control and lovers breakup. In a lot of cases, the relationship seems to end for good and each goes their separate ways. But that is not at all times the situation and it doesn’t ...
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  • Get a Man Back in Your Life Even After a Rough Breakup! - by Charles Wealth Are you in search of how to get a man back in your life? You are not alone because any woman who has gone through a breakup at some point asked the same question. A lot of women are unwilling to go into a relationship again for the reason that they fear rebound relationship. Rebound relationship ...
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  • 3 Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Loves You and Want You Back Even After A Rough Breakup! - by Charles Wealth Have you been looking for signs your ex boyfriend still loves you? It is very common to do this after a break up. You may be deliberating on attempting to win your ex boyfriend back. Before you do, try to find the following signs to be sure if there is hope to get back together with ...
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  • The Chemistry of Love - by Nancy Travers, LCSW We’ve all heard our friends talk about chemistry and connections. Rock stars sing about the “chemicals between us” and movies depict racing hearts, sweaty palms, and love at first sight. Have you wondered where all of these scientific, chemical, and physiological terms and ideas manifest in ...
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