Cigarette smoking is injurious to health” - so screams the hoardings,cigarette advertisements and ironically even the cigarette packet thatyou hold. Yet, smokers continue to smoke with the “thought” - thewarning is not for me. When you smoke, with each puff of smoke that you inhale into yourlungs, you pollute your body with more than 2500 poisonous chemicalscapable of causing different types of cancers. | |
The major contents of cigarettes are:
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Complications of smoking In women, smoking can lead to many complications: Shortened life span.
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Quitting smokingThese complications can be quite easily prevented by just quitting smoking. Taking a resolution to quit smoking is easy, but it is difficult to keep it. Nevertheless, it is not something that cannot be done. The good news is that, quitting smoking can reverse some of the bad effects that it has on your body. | |
Symptoms while trying to quitWhile you try to quit smoking you may undergo a variety of withdrawal symptoms (see box) that can frustrate you. Be determined not to smoke even when these symptoms peak. Tips to quit smokingQuitting smoking has wonderful health benefits even if you have been smoking for years. Here are some tips to help you quit smoking once and for all:
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Benefits of quittingThe rewards of giving up smoking are many and they are instantaneous. Your body starts reversing much of the damage caused by smoking. Your surroundings will smell better. A few years after quitting, your risk of heart disease will be at par with a person who has never smoked a single cigarette. You will be around for a longer period of time to support, provide for and protect your loving children and family. And think of all the money you would save. But remember, it takes time and patience to quit a habit. One slip does not mean failure, it only means delay. So keep at it till you succeed. |
10 March, 2012
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