Gta Vice City cheat
Weapon/Health Vice City cheats
aspirine - Max health canttakeitanymore - Suicide thugstools - Thug Weapons professionaltools - Professional weapons nuttertools - Heavy weapons preciousprotection - Full armor youwon'ttakemealive - Increase wanted level leavemealone - Decrease wanted level | |
Vehicle Vice City Cheats bigbang - Destroy all cars wheelsareallineed - Strip cars comeflywithme - Flying dodo car greenlight - All traffic lights are green miamitraffic - Traffic moves faster travelinstyle - Flying car panzer - Spawn a tank thelastride - Spawn a hearse rockandrollcar - Spawn a limo rubbishcar - Spawn a garbage truck gettherefast - Spawn a sabre turbo betterthanwalking - Spwan a caddy gettherequickly - Fast car getthereveryfastindeed - Faster car getthereamazinglyfast - Fastest car iwantitpaintedblack - Black traffic seaways - Cars float on water gripiseverything - Improved car handling ahairdresserscar - Pink cars loadsoflittlethings - Change wheel size General Game Play/Character Vice City Cheats apleasantday - Nice weather alovelyday - Great weather abitdrieg - Cloudy weather catsanddogs - Rain cantseeathing - Fog lifeispassingmeby - Speed up game stilllikedressingup - Change pedestrian clothes fightfightfight - Pedestrian riot nobodylikesme - Pedestrians attack you ourgodgivenrighttobeararms - Pedestrians have weapons onspeed - Walk faster booooooring - Walk Slower chickswithguns - Bikini women with guns chasestat - See wanted stats fannymagnet - Tommy groupies certaindeath - Tommy starts smoking deepfriedmarsbars - Tommy is fatter programmer - Tommy has thing arms and legs hopingirl - Pedestrians get in your car cheatshavebeencracked - Play as Ricardo Diaz looklikelance - Play as Lance Vance mysonisalawyer - Play as Ken Rosenberg looklikehilary - Play as Hilary King rockandrollman - Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Torent) weloveourdick - Play as Love Fist character (Dick) onearmedbandit - Play as Phil Cassidy idonthavethemoneysonny - Play as Sonny Forelli foxylittlething - Play as Mercedes |
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20 March, 2012
Game Cheet Codes
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