Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol offers representation listings for over 80,000 individuals, including actors, directors, and producers, as well as company and employee contact detai

Cast (in credits order)
Tom Cruise | ... | Ethan Hunt | |||||
Jeremy Renner | ... | William Brandt | |||||
Simon Pegg | ... | Benji Dunn | |||||
Paula Patton | ... | Jane Carter | |||||
Michael Nyqvist | ... | Kurt Hendricks | |||||
Vladimir Mashkov | ... | Anatoly Sidorov | |||||
Samuli Edelmann | ... | Wistrom | |||||
Ivan Shvedoff | ... | Leonid Lisenker | |||||
Anil Kapoor | ... | Brij Nath | |||||
Léa Seydoux | ... | Sabine Moreau | |||||
Josh Holloway | ... | Trevor Hanaway | |||||
Pavel Kríz | ... | Marek Stefanski | |||||
Miraj Grbic | ... | Bogdan | |||||
Ilia Volok | ... | The Fog | |||||
Goran Navojec | ... | Burly Russian Prisoner | |||||
Pavel Bezdek | ... | Prison Guard | |||||
Ladislav Beran | ... | Control Room Guard | |||||
Jan Pavel Filipensky | ... | Control Room Guard (as Jan Filipensky) | |||||
Jiri Kraus | ... | Control Room Guard | |||||
Ales Putik | ... | Control Room Guard | |||||
Tomás Valík | ... | Control Room Guard | |||||
Pavel Cajzl | ... | Prisoner | |||||
Randy Hall | ... | Prisoner | |||||
Vitaly Kravchenko | ... | Scraggy Tooth | |||||
Andrej Bestcastnyj | ... | Kremlin Senate Building Desk Guard (as Andrey Bestchastney) | |||||
Mike Dopud | ... | Kremlin Subcellar Hallway Guard (as Michael Dopud) | |||||
Martin Hub | ... | Kremlin Gate Security Guard | |||||
Ivo Novák | ... | Russian Agent | |||||
Anastasiya Novikova | ... | Russian Hospital Nurse | |||||
Marek Dobes | ... | Russian News Anchor | |||||
Claudia Vaseková | ... | Russian News Anchor | |||||
Brian Caspe | ... | British News Anchor | |||||
Petra Lustigova | ... | Anna Lisenker | |||||
April Stewart | ... | Swedish Translator |
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05 April, 2012
Hollywood Movies
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