' Asalem Gurtukuraadu ' from the Telugu movie ANTHAPURAM
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asalEm gurtukuraadu naa kannulamundu nuvvu unDagaa asalEm tOchadu naaku O nimishamkooDaa ninnu chooDaka asalEm gurtukuraadu naa kannulamundu nuvvu unDagaa asalEm tOchadu naaku O nimishamkooDaa ninnu chooDaka neelO undi naa praaNam adi neeku telusunaa unna nEnu nee kOsam nuvu dooramaite batakagalanaa asalEm gurtukuraadu|| gOruvecchani oosutO chinna mucchaTani vinipinchanee aakupacchani aaSatO ninnu kappuku chigurinchanee allukommani gillutunnadi chalchallani gaali tellavaarulu allarallari saaginchaali EkamayE Ekamaye Ekaantam lOkamaYe vELa ? asalEm gurtukuraadu|| kanTi reppala chaaTugaa ninnu daachukuni badhinchanee kougilintala seemalO kOTakaTTukuni koluvunDanee chenta chErite chEti gaajulu chEsE gaayam janTa madhyana sannajaajulu aahaa bhaaram maLLi maLLi maLLi maLLi ee rOju rammanna raadEmO nilavani chirakaalamilaagE ee kshaNam asalEm gurtukuraadu|| [Asalem Gurtukuraadu Lyrics @] |
11 August, 2012
Telugu Lyrics
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