
Friendship is an important part of life and having strong relationships with people will help keep you healthy and happy. Emily Dickinson is quoted as saying "My friends are my estate." Value your friendships and treat your friends as you would like to be treated and you will be rewarded in having a trustworthy friendship. A friend is there as a shoulder to lean on in hard times and to laugh with during the good times. You can read articles on friendship
I have ran into many people who can be nice at times and those that can be really mean. What is with the rudness? Is it really that hard to trust the ones you've talked to for over a long time or that you can trust with advice and answers?
This has really been pulling my leg lately because I go through it every moment I come here- no matter how nice I try to be, people tend to get the best of me and it really makes me angry. I am not taking judgment on anyone but I'm just telling you what I go through. And I try my best not to let these little gigs get me down but it's so frustrating when you try talking to a friend you have never even talked for over a month or a long time and they end up leaving without even reading what you have to say. I mean, I know and understand that we all have lives to think about but would it kill to just consentrate on your buddies every one in a while? Would it really be so much harm as to do that?
Friendship is about having wonderful moments with your friends and sticking to them no matter what you do or what goes on. Everyday I stick up to everyone and every person who is my friend. I'm always excited to seeing their usernames on the Instant Message and I get ready to talk to them. Sometimes I don't get no reply, and there are other times when they just end up leaving after I try saying hello. I understand if everyone is busy, but why this? Why leave as soon as someone else is trying to talk to you? Again I am not blaming anyone for this it just makes me feel bad when people do that cause it's a sign to me- a sign that everyone thinks I am annoying or something.
Speaking of annoyance, you may think that just because I care about friends makes me annoying. You know what? Fine it does. But I have respect for them. I show kindness, respect, and all the love in the world for them. I show them that they mean the world to me. I make them gifts, I provide them comfort, and I provide them with answers. They love coming to me, so why can't most of you be the same?

I did not write this article for any arguments or gissip. The only reason why I made this article is to give you guys a lesson in what happens when people will sometimes change their ways about you and all what you retrive is a stab in the back instead of a thank you or a reason why they end up breaking your heart. I hope that when you read this article you will think about what friendsip means to you and to everyone else. My side of friendship means so much to me that I will do anything to keep my true best friends beside me. And I will take the librety to be anyone's friend and talk to them and have fun or even get to knowing them better. If you ever feel down and need a good person to talk to, come to me or come to anyone you may know who trusts you the best and who always knows what to say. Just be carefull- friendship is not an easy thing to keep.
06 September, 2013
Friendship Articles
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